We are very pleased that you have purchased a beautiful palm tree and would of course like to help you plant the plant in the ground in the correct manner.
By planting the palm correctly it will grow and bloom much better

Determine the best location
Before we start on how to best place your palm in the ground, you can first find the best place in your garden where the palm will stand. Make sure that the palm is placed in the right place. A lot or little wind is not a problem in the summer months, but if a Siberian cold comes in the winter, the palm will of course not like this very much!
Once you have found the right spot, we can start digging.

Prepare the soil to provide the palm with proper drainage
Now that the spot has been found, it is time to prepare the (palm) hole so that the palm can be planted properly.
Before you plant the palm
It is very important to see if the water can drain properly.
The roots of a palm tree absolutely cannot handle too much water, as this could cause root rot and that could be fatal for the palm tree!
If the chosen location is too wet, this is not a problem and measures can be taken.
If the soil is too wet, it is best to dig a hole 1 metre deep and 1 metre wide if the pot is 35 to 50 cm in size.
Then fill the bottom layer generously with, for example, gravel or broken roof tiles so that the water can drain away properly. On top of this, fill the soil with good potting soil up to about 10 cm below the roots of the palm.
In addition, it is best to use light soil such as Mediterranean potting soil and mix this with the other potting soil and plant the palm in it.
If the water does not drain away, you can also choose to raise the ground a little to about 30 to 60 cm above the ground so that the palm does not suffer from too much water.

The right soil is very important!
Using the right food soil is very important for the palm because it has specific soil requirements and will not accept just any potting soil. This can result in it staying in its original root ball and growth can be delayed.
We therefore recommend placing the palm in a rich nutrient soil. The best is to use Mediterranean soil, but this could of course also be mixed with universal potting soil. Skimping on the right nutrient soil can be a shame for your newly purchased palm, resulting in yellow leaves.
What is the best time to plant the palm?
The best time to plant your newly purchased palm is early March to October, but because all our palms are pot grown they can be planted all year round as long as the frost is not too severe.

General description of palm tree plants
We will explain to you in a few steps how to plant the palm tree correctly.

Making the hole to place the palm
The hole in the palm should be about 1/3 larger than the root ball.
If the roots are already coming out of the pot, it is best to make it 1/4 larger
Prepare the hole
By removing all hard clay and loosening the subsoil from hard soil, this is mainly necessary in new construction areas.
Prepare the hole for the palm by
Put the right soil in it, such as Mediterranean nutrient soil. Mix the nutrient soil with the soil around it so that the palm will accept the other soil.
* If there is poor drainage, see above for how best to prepare the hole.
Now remove the plastic container

Place the palm correctly
Now place the palm in the hole in the correct (desired) place
Then fill the hole with nutrient soil and gently press it with your fist.

After planting and placing the palm
It is very important that if the palm is not wet, you provide the palm with some water.
It is best to also start giving the palm liquid food after 2 to 3 days so that it
will take root in its new home the fastest!
To share:
Light requirements of plants
Caring for your palm tree